당신은 모른다
마음의 여유라고는 찾아볼 수 없던 내가
당신을 껴안기 위해 얼마나 팔을 뻗어야 했는지
무엇을 놓아야 당신을 더 꽉 잡을 수 있을까 싶어
가진 것을 모두 손에 올려놓고 얼마나 버려냈는지 모른다
당신에게 별일 아닌 것이 나에겐 귀했으며
서로를 만나기 전 삶이 우리를 밀어낼까 불안해
며칠 밤을 새웠다는 것을 모른다
당신은 나를 그냥 이기적이고
감정에 충실한 사람으로 보지만
당신을 바라볼 때 내 눈빛이 어땠으며
말투는 또 어땠으며 마음이 어떤 채도였으며
왼쪽 어깨가 얼마나 젖었는지 모른다
당신이 내 마음을 모래 알갱이만큼이라도
이해할 때면
우린 남이 됐을 거라는 것 또한 모른다
You don't know
I couldn't find any relaxation in my heart
I had to stretch my arms to hug you
I wonder what I can do to hold you tighter
I put everything in my hands and I don't know how much I threw away
It was precious to me that it wasn't a big deal to you
I'm worried that life will push us away before we meet each other
I don't know I stayed up a few nights
I couldn't find any relaxation in my heart
I had to stretch my arms to hug you
I wonder what I can do to hold you tighter
I put everything in my hands and I don't know how much I threw away
It was precious to me that it wasn't a big deal to you
I'm worried that life will push us away before we meet each other
I don't know I stayed up a few nights
You're just being selfish
I see him as a person who is faithful to his emotions,
What was my gaze like when I was looking at you?
How did you talk? How did you feel?
I don't know how wet my left shoulder is
You're the one who's gonna make my heart grow as much as a grain of sand
When I understand,
We also don't know that we'd be strangers
'하루독서' 카테고리의 다른 글
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